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Ensure effective risk management

ISRS helps you ensure systematic and effective risk management. This begins by implementing the necessary processes to identify and evaluate risks to employees, the community and the business.

The necessary risk controls should then be in place and risk monitoring ensures the controls are adequate to address the identified risks. These activities should be embedded into a systematic risk management process.

Site management should identify the "top down" business risks which threaten the survival or reputation of the organisation, for example associated with major internal or external events, major clients, key supply chain partners, major projects or loss of key personnel.

The organisation should identify the "bottom up" risks associated with specific hazards for occupational health, occupational safety, process safety, environment, security and quality. These should then be controlled and monitored with suitable engineering design, rules, procedures, training, inspection and observation programmes. Preventing major loss events requires the necessary people, process and plant barriers are in place.


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